Bury me six feet under.
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_____Spiders were the least of her worries, although they were quite an unpleasant thing to deal with when the only thing she wanted to do was get to Esper Hollow to nitpick over the folks there. Corona had been hoping to catch sight of one of their supposed two leaders but short of howling for attention, she hadn't seen hide nor hair of them. But now that it was raining, she figured if she made good time down to the thick forests of Ethereal Eclipse she would find them. If not, she was content with spending part of the day hovering over their sick, even if her father didn't always see her as her and spoke of things she didn't understand.

_____Heading further to the south than she normally went, Corona had intentions to visit the city before she made her way to the gypsy band's camp site. She had told Ahren she would at least bring something to make his rest in such an abysmal shed a little better. She travelled light, only her small pouch of various supplies was the only thing on her. The nice thing about travelling in the rain meant that there weren't going to a whole lot of folks out. Unless of course, she counted the wolf she who was coming along the shore of the lake towards.

_____Regarding her briefly, Corona didn't pick up on anything that would have pointed her out to be someone from Dahlia de Mai, although the rain didn't make anything easy. So as far as she was concerned for the moment, she was a neutral party and worthy of getting a thin smile in passing.


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