the way your innocence tastes
Gawdz I hate powerplaying. *goes off what everyone said everyone else would do*[html]<style type="text/css">
.karma strong {font:9pt Georgia; line-height:0.9em; letter-spacing:-1px; font-weight:bold;}
.andre strong {color:#5e1717; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:0.9em; letter-spacing:-1px; font-weight:bold;}

He held that blade up firmly, feeling more than seeing the right moment to strike. Gabriel didn't, in fact, grab his leg; the doggish hybrid hit the sand at the same instance Andrezej struck downward, but by the time the knife hit where his skull should have been, the man had already moved again. From the corner of his eye he caught the motion of Anselm as he raised the knife again, but he wasn't fast enough to turn full on to the soaring wolf-like hybrid. Things slowed down momentarily as he set his feet and turned his hand so the blade was pointed straight at Anselm; the hybrid in flight would probably impale himself on it. A triumphant grin cracked across the man's lips, but at the same time there was a twist, and Anselm went right by the exposed blade.

Oh, he wasn't smiling anymore. Sharp teeth grabbed his wrist and yanked down as gravity responded and, with his arm so rigid and his hand so tensely set, it was all he needed; there was a swift snapping nose, a yowl of pain and madness as he turned with glee upon the hybrid attached to his arm and forgot about the rest of anything, and aimed to punch him square in between the eyes with his free hand. Anselm had suddenly become a much larger threat, and without his weapon hand, he was at a complete disadvantage.

Something crazy said he would win this fight and do honour to Inferni. Hybrid had once said he would be a good soldier; well, he was a pretty good psycho. His bright yellow eyes burned with a fervid desire to kill, and the smell of his own blood from where bone had cut neatly through the back of his wrist from the rather severe break was even worse. He was crazed by it, and lust burned strong in his veins for more.


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