a second opinion
because i am epic and must thread with myself ftw.
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_____Underneath the thick canopies of Ethereal Eclipse, the rain that was falling was slightly deterred. It still made it to the ground one way or another, but it had to find its way through the thick weaves of leaves and branches of the tall trees. So the fact that it wasn't even raining that hard (think a nice, calm spring shower like rain) made the day a little easier to contend with. Although once she had made the journey from Inferni to Esper Hollow, she was still pretty damp.

_____Crossing over their borders without regard once again, she was glad that she was able to get back to Inferni without too much worry. Things were pretty much secure back home and now that Faolin was back, Talitha had someone could watch her without any problems. But then again, it was like she also had to tell herself—Andrezej was dead. He wasn't going to rise up from the ground and grab her and neither was anyone else—and things would go back to normal. Talitha would eventually not be so much of a ghost in a shell.

_____Approaching the camp site, she was greeted by the sound of crackling wood nearby while the haze of smoke filtered thinly with the fog. It seemed like someone was always keeping that fire going, seeing how it had been lit every time she had popped in to investigate the area, but this time the camp site wasn't empty like usual. Between the camp fire and a couple of logs that had been set up around it for seating were a pair of ears and a black hat. Coyote ears at that, which immediately got her attention.

_____But why on earth he was using the log as a headrest and was so close to the fire was beyond her imagination, though she wondered for a moment if he was sick too. On a closer inspection as she slowed her approach, she recognised him primarily by smell, though they had never met. “You must be Laurel.” She had heard about him, needless to say.


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