a second opinion
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t5.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Cue the headache. Actually, cue a number of things that currently ached on his body from head to toe. Naturally any good drink came around to bite him in the ass. But at the same time he was incredibly used to the dull ache that followed lying on the damp ground with half a hangover. Intelligence wasn't overly on his side at the moment, because he could feel that coolness starting to seep through his skin to his joints, but unfortunately the ground wasn't one of those places where the world spun if he looked around too quickly.

_____But nevermind that, aside from the crackling fire it was hard to shake the fact that he wasn't alone. There were folks around, three or four of them sitting in the sit shack(s) and as it were, someone coming up behind him. He responded to her approach at first with an attempt to try and look over his shoulder, but instead ended up focusing on the grain of the log. So he decided he had originally turned his head to listen and went with that instead as she spoke. “Yeah, that'd be me,” he answered as he pulled himself to sit up better. Once Laurel had gotten a look at the girl who had turned up, he could tell who she was related to rather easily. “One of Ahren's kids, right? I think I heard you when you were here the other day with Rachias.”


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