bright beads and woven dreams


He almost hadn't bothered. Both the clan and the wolf were long overdue for some peace and quiet. Anselm didn't feel as if he'd had any since the fire, since immediately afterwards he'd found himself scouting and trying to gather intelligence on the other packs. After that, Dahlia de Mai had started the war, which had gone on for three very long months. And even when that was resolved, they still had to hunt down Andre and give him what he deserved. What next?
Rain. It was raining all morning, and initially he had rolled over and gone right back to bed. When he awoke once more closer to the afternoon, he again considered staying in because of the weather, but eventually he convinced himself that he needed to get going. It was still decently warm out and even if it weren't, he knew that foul weather was no excuse for neglecting border patrol. He'd slept enough, anyway, and he'd grow restless confined to his den.
Setting off at an easy lope, Anselm worked his way around the edges of Inferni's territory. Every so often he'd stop to scent mark or shake off, although he knew both of these things were relatively futile given the constant rain. Eventually, he noticed a scent that was unknown--coyote, female. Head low to the ground and tail whisking back and forth behind him, he began to track the odour and before too long he came across the shifted female.
His eyes roamed over her body several times, noting the curves, coat colour, and markings. She wore clothes. That seemed to be the new trend lately, although he knew he'd never get into it. Hypothetically pockets might be convenient, but a pack could serve the purpose as well and it wasn't awkward. Her hair style was particularly unique, and he regarded her for a few moments curiously, before tilting his head slightly to one side as if to ask for her spiel. She didn't look related to anybody he knew, but he wasn't always good at picking up on such things. Hopefully she'd explain herself at his non-verbal prompting.

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