bright beads and woven dreams
She ducked her head down as he spoke, shy that he thought her uneasy when she had just been preoccupied. "You just caught me off guard, that's all." She said in way of explanation, dropping her arms down to her sides as she glanced down at the beads once more. Crouching down she picked up a red one that held an odd black symbold upon it, rolling it between her index finger and thumb as she remained crouched so she would not have to look down at Anselm, and he up at her as she offered a hint of a smile. "My name is Rizuka," she said in way of introduction, "most call me Rizu though. I was hoping to find a place to stay.." Rizu trailed off, glancing up at Anselm as she continued. "Perhaps you have room for me in Inferni? I don't plan on just freeloading of course, I'll earn my keep." She then neatly tucked the bead in her pocket, standing straight so her muscles would not cramp.

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