Did you fall for a shooting star?

He looked so frail compared to her, tiny between her front paws. She wished that she could do more for him, but they were out in the middle of nowhere, practically. No packs hung around this area. She'd only been travelling through her to gather up some old memories, or even she would not have been in the Sugarwoods these days. It was too far away from home. Or...where home had once been. They had only just decided today that they would be forming the pack on the same grounds that Twilight Vale had once occupied.

Naniko was lost in her own thoughts for a few moments, but she came out of it as the youngster's voice sounded again. "I'm sure you would have done the same if you could have" Naniko didn't believe in talking to pups like they were stupid, or young. She'd always hated the way her parents had treated her when she had been younger. Before they'd left, anyway. Naniko had been just under three months old when Roman and Kaelyn had taken their leave, abandoning her and her sister Pontiac. She had wandered for a time after that, looking for them, before eventually settling down with Iskata in Clouded Tears.

"I think the first thing we need to do is make sure that you're okay. Don't you think, too? You should worry about yourself first...and then we can look for the others. What pack did you come from? Do you remember the name?" She huddled in a little bit, putting her head down to try and keep the heat in a little bit more. Back in the mansion they had clean, fresh towels...a fireplace, and more.


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