Did you fall for a shooting star?

She knew that she needed to get him somewhere warm and safe, whether he protested it or not. If there was one thing that she was really firm on it was that everyone stayed safe. During the war between Dahlia de Mai and Inferni, the fights, she'd managed to keep Twilight Vale out of the worst of it by trekking to Inferni herself to ask for a truce. They'd all had relatives who were involved, nearly every member of her pack. But she had made the decision that Twilight Vale wouldn't pay the price for their relatives' war.

"It's a big house. A big den that's warm, and cozy. There are other wolves there, but they won't bother you. And if they do, we can get you a spot there that's all your own...where no one can go." Most of the wolves had their own bedrooms. She didn't want to make him go with her, but at the same time leaving him here in the woods wasn't an option. And she couldn't stay out here for much longer. She hadn't even brought her backpack with her, or he might have been able to ride in that. He was small enough, though..."I can carry you there on my back. We'll look for your siblings as soon as we know you're safe. But...I can't tell them to look for your family until then."


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