It's a kind of magic
lezbn There was snow on the ground. The simple thought of snow had put Tayui in a wonderful mood for the past few days and today looked like it would be yet another delightful day. She was not one to be frivolously cheerful and today was no exception. The wintertime had always been her favourite time of the year, mostly because of all the memories it brought back. In her birth pack, she had always loved to play in the snow, something she still loved to do. A romp in the snow always brought her spirits up, and today, simply seeing it again did the same thing.
lezbn She had been making her way from the pack den to the creek when the sound of a howl was heard. She paused, tipping her head to the sky, and flicking her ears, waiting. Another howl followed the first and Tayui broke out into a grin. It appeared as though they had a potential joiner. Trip to the creek forgotten, Tayui set off at a comfortable lope to meet Lucifer at the borders.
lezbn It took her a few more minutes to locate where exactly Lucifer and the new joiner was, but once she did, she moved quickly to meet them. "Hello, Lucifer. Who might this be?" Her expression was inquisitive and open, for Tayui did not believe in remaining strict and stoic at every moment. She offered the newcomer a small smile, pausing as she watched him. He looked vaguely familiar, and his scent offered a hint to who he might be, but Tayui could not place the male. She was certain that they had met at some point, but it seemed as though she had since forgotten.


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