bend, not break
Firefly didn't know what to do, the two were bound and determined to free her and all she could do was beg them to leave. Every twitch and crackle around them made her jump as the two became snappy and demanding. She flattened her ears against her head at the sudden fury in Alexey's voice as she turned her hurt emerald eyes to the golden lady. "But.. they have watches.. they don't leave this place open like this.." she sputtered as she tried to find a reason to get them to leave before Inferni was gifted with more hostages.

She turned about to glare at Alexey as she spat, "I'm trying to save your hide! I'm ... perfectly fine here!" she stumbled through the words as she thought of the last words the Alexey had uttered. "I won't tell him because I'm not going!" she yelped as suddenly DaVinci was tearing at the boards on the door, causing her to whine at how loud the sound of his teeth and the screetching of the boards.

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