under the city lights, i'm sinking
That would be fun to do sometime too. WE SHALL PLOT IT OUT FOR ONE DAY. Hope the minor powerplay is okay too. D: *is bad*
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... ona/t8.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

_____Rising up to her feet, she extended a hand out for the girl and pulled her up gently, but didn't let go afterwards. Instead she let their fingers intertwine purely out of reassurance that she wasn't going to let her drift astray and get hurt. It was different, at least on Corona's end of things, to hold a hand that was still smaller than hers that belonged to a girl who would probably one day stand taller than she did. If it was one thing that she had gotten, it was definitely her father's height. Though Baneesh had been the runt of the litter, Corona had ended up being the one who was pint-sized in the end.

_____As she lead the way towards the forests that contained the mansion, she tried to think of something that they could at least talk about. Something that wasn't on the topic of what had happened, wasn't about the war, or the fire on the other side of the mountain. “So I hear that you have a brother,” she decided to go with, “Ezekiel, right? What's he like?”


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