those things you never knew
There was a rumor that Naniko wasn’t her-self after the rape, and if this was her mother she should have been at her daughter’s side. Not wounding around in the lands around the pack. His eyes quickly grew cold as he stood up stocking over towards her standing in front of her. A sudden bitterness came over in his voice. He would block her and keep her out if it took everything that the he had, he would protect her no matter where he was, and who he was with. They were friends, they had a past. Lucifer didn’t want to know that his brother had taken a shimmer out of Naniko’s eyes. He didn’t have the heart to deal with looking at her in pain. ”oh so sorry Sugar lips, Naniko sick. She’s not accepting visitors. He wasn’t going to let her be bothered with entertaining some one when she was broken down from the rape, her soul had been shattered.

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