bend, not break
DaVinci suddenly was joined by Alexey at the entrance to the shack in pulling out all the stops to get the girl out. He knew it would have been easier to shift but there was no time, not with the stupid stubborn arguement that Firefly was playing at. He knew his sister was hardheaded but this was going beyond the normal pace. Shaking his head as he wretched one of the boards to the side and spat back at the emerald eyed girl. "Just shut up and help damn it!" Normally he would hardly ever lose his temper with the younger sibling but today was about getting her out, not babying her.

The sound of Alexey's board clattering to the ground was greeted by the warning alert of the clan member. The words that she commanded were ignored as he felt her warmth disappear. "Sis, we'll have you back soon.." He hissed, though he knew it was helpless. Whipping his head around he growled softly as he caught sight of the member moving towards the shack door. Alexey was already gone and it left him alone at the crime with an old face.

His voice was low as he called out to the male, "Hello old friend.." He flashed a dark grin at Gabriel, the hybrid was the splitting image of a child all grown up. He turned away and in a heartbeat his long limbs were stretched into a ground eating lope as he made fast at catching up with his newest partner in crime.

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