Bury me six feet under.
        my guy's here to stand and laugh, ne? ;P

mall-caps;color:#660000;">there's no one here to tuck me in, so the shotgun will instead

        The spiders would all be sleeping. Rain was falling from the sky, sending rivulets of water down everything into the already soaked earth. They would hide in their little holes, under things, in things to keep themselves from drowning. He found one nestled on the underside of a leaf, recoiling into it's body as he prodded it, wrapping it's eight legs around it's middle-section for protection. Carefully, he scrapped it from it's leafy rest, nestling it in the palm of his hand. It scurried across his hand, running over the back and up his arm. He grabbed it in the cage of his fingers again, walking with his new found friend.
        The rain hide everything, veiling scents and distorting the landscape. Sounds were drown out in the constant dripping, echoing through the trees and bombarding his senses. He could see something ahead. Three figures along the lakeside: a wolf, Corona, and Hybrid. The spider was quickly forgotten, dropped into a puddle as he moved closer, standing beside a tree to watch. He leaned against the trunk, gaining shelter from the branches as rain fell around them.
        This could prove momentarily entertaining.

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