HomeComing (Queen)

Hey kricket! Your table says CerCECELEE.

She had spent the last two days at her best friend's place, a one-story house in Flanders Fields. Why Kol had chosen to live so close to a cemetary was something that still puzzled her, but Lexey had to admit that the peace and quiet was pretty enjoyable. It was close to the borders, so the Circee often kept an eye out for intruders: Inferni, to be precise. They had raped Firefly and harmed most of her pack mates. A coyote trespassing into Dahlia de Mai under her watch would mean his or her death, as simple as that.

The howl that echoed through the packlands startled her, mostly because she hadn't detected anyone's presence nearby until now. It wasn't a stranger's call though, Lexey knew that much. Pressing her nose to the ground and sniffing out the area, she quickly caught the scent of two females. One hailed from a pack to the south, while the other one's smell was a mixture of that same pack and Dahlia de Mai. As she got closer and finally laid eyes on the black and white duo, the tawny she-wolf purposedly let out a high-pitched bark to catch their attention.

Lexey stopped moving once a few feet away from them, not wanting to get too close out of politeness. Honey-colored eyes then observed the ebony lady before moving on to the snowy one. It took her a few moments to realize who she was, but eventually it all became clear: blue-eyed woman dotted with an untainted alabaster pelt, just like Haku had described her. It was her, no doubt about it. "Cercelee, right? We've been waiting for you."


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