dancing in the dark
ooc:// Oh yeah, sorry dude. Emory is just this regular wolf boy. Sorry, I see the avatar and assume she's unshifted, my apoligies.

The male nodded at the female's name. He frowned at the hand that she held at her ribs, but ignored the temptation to ask what happened. He was still a stranger here. Unwelcome. At least he had found someone who had the power to let him into the pack or not. That was a plus. When the female, Deuce, had she said? started away from him, he was confused and his ears twitched, but he kept them down. Uh.. what? Go to her house? Emory had always known about the human way of living among the mutilated breeds of his species. He'd seen them on his journeys, he'd befriended them, but he never got over how they could make so much out of nothing and just live like the two-legged barbarians that had once dominated the earth. Living off the ground and in tune with nature had always been his calling, and he'd been content all his life with it that way. It still made him uncomfortable to think of going into something that was a human invention, and live like it was safe and your own.

But did he really have much of a choice here? He'd come here looking for something, and it seemed that it was his only option to follow her wishes. As "Shaman" of this pack, he'd probably have to get used to taking her orders. Not that she'd been rough about it. He had been given the choice. Did he want to get out of the rain? Hey, Emory loved the rain. Even though he felt it, he wasn't scared, and without a hint of reluctance, he followed behind his potential authoritative to her.. house? Keeping his shoulders low and eyes diverted, he stepped further and further into the boundaries, smelling the faint scents of wolves and creatures. He'd get used to it, he was sure.. hopefully. Though, he /had/ expected a bit of a longer trek into the jungle, but it happened that his company's confinements were only a short distance from the borders. Closer towards the door, he thought it'd be gentleman-like to give his pelt another hard shake before entering her house, which he was looking forward to being warm and dry now that he thought of the alternative condition. Minding not to shake onto Deuce, he lagged behind a tad, shook, and caught up to her before too much rain could latch onto his fur again.

Tentatively walking inside, Emory eyes the structure and things inside. It never felt right, walking into such a civilized place, after living outside for so long. Almost like he was cheating nature. But nevertheless, he took a seat on the floor in the living room, and watched as the ivory colored female made her way around the room, applying herself to different tasks. He kept himself from frowning at the civil place she had inside. It wasn't a disapproving feeling, just a ..not used to this.. feeling. Looking at the fire warily, he knew that it wouldn't spread out of control, but bare instincts nicked at his brain. It always made Emory wonder how such developed.. beings of his species could be so different. Made him kind of upset that he had no thumbs to work with. Though, he'd never gotten to gene from his parents; there had always been the rumor that it in the genes somewhere, and that his family had just never used it for so long that it was weak, but Emory really had never listened to the myths. He was perfectly happy with the way he was, on all fours. Lacking thumbs wasn't a big deal to him.

"So what brings you to the lands of Phoenix Valley?"

His face shot up from looking around the house and back to the female, who, had somehow eased her pain and bandaged herself up. A broken rib perhaps? Fathoming, it was, to imagine living with a broken rib.. and surviving! At the least. It was an ever-changing world this earth was, and the older he got, Emory kept finding things so much harder to believe you could survive under such conditions. He knew if he'd suffered from a broken rib as a loner, he'd never survived. But then again, he'd have no one looking out for him out there either. A pack was a good idea in that sense. Swallowing in the back of his throat, he let a smile show on his features, wrapping his tail around his haunches. The atmosphere was quite content and calm, and he felt he had a bit of lenience here. "Mostly a home.. a permanent home that is. I've been alone for a while, and I think it's time to just settle down for some time. I think that's what I'm missing right now," he said, thinking of his past times in the wild, alone. He'd heard of pack life, and he knew there was something good about it, he'd just never been keen on finding out what it was. The home was quiet, but his voice lingered in the air nicely, mixing with the wind and rain outside, and the crackling of the fire in this room.

Word Count: 863

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