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The blonde de le Poer boy wasn't entirely sure what attracted him to the beach so much or, after his 'meeting' with his elder half-brother, what made him think he should ever come back. Perhaps it was the fact that he'd longed to have a family member close to him, someone that understood him and got along with. Someone that didn't seemed bothered whenever he was around. He'd had that for the better portion of his life, closest to his sister Tegan than anything, but he'd lost track of her within the time that everyone had split up. Hell, even she knew and understood, for the most part, that he'd fallen into some type of lust for their own cousin. She still accepted him, even then.

There was an almost bothered aura about him as four paws took him across the sands of the beach, quite a ways from the borders of Inferni and yet close enough that he might run into someone from there. Perhaps he had more family other than who he'd met thus far? Head was held low and ears slightly flattened as he went along, creeping along the very edges of the water, to the point that it only barely washed up over his paws. It was cold, freezing really, but the Tears wolf paid it no mind. As the wind blew past him, traveling from Inferni and toward his direction, he stopped and lifted his head, taking a moment to search for scents in the wind.


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