if i cut off your arms, cut off your legs
I'm going to continue as if James had Sirius leave. If this thread it too outdated and you want to close it, fine by me. I thought it was rather interesting. Big Grin[html]

Apollo stood beneath the ledge, gaining a bit of shelter from the rain. All the same, he wanted to go inside the building and see what its hallways had to offer. He was surprised when he saw the rust colored figure turn to leave, almost baffled that Sirius had actually done what Apollo had told him. Good, Apollo didn’t want his brother around anyways. He was just an annoying brat and the white pup knew he would have found a way to ruin his adventure in this strange place, with that wicked coyote.

"Kinda," he answered honestly, watching this stranger as if waiting for some sort of instructions. He turned his mismatched gaze on the door, wondering if there was anyway he could open it. He didn’t think so, and returned his gaze back to the frightening prince. "Will you open the door?"


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