clouds overhead
very sorry for yet another delay. wrap up soon?

Endymion smiled when she inquired about the tents he promised. He fully understood her eagerness to get out of the rain, and felt guilty for keeping her waiting so long. "Yes, we're quite close to the campsite now," he said, quickening his pace through the trees. They were close enough now that, if it were a dry, sunny day they would have been able to see the shack in the distance. The rain and mist, however, impaired their vision this afternoon. His legs were almost entirely brown with mud now, but he didn't mind much. A good mud bath never hurt anyone, did it? He thought about repeating the rhetorical question to Ryan, but just kept silent, figuring she was more interested in keeping dry than hear him prattle on about silly things. Chuckling quietly to himself, the wolf glimpsed the smoldering ashes of the bonfire through the steady rain and clambered the rest of the distance into the clearing with renewed purpose. "Wait here," he said, gesturing nowhere in particular as he trotted to the back of the shack, where they kept some of the tents. As he rummaged, he thought he heard voices, like muffled shouting coming from inside. Forehead lined with worry, Endymion extricated a large tent from the pile and trotted back to his companion. "Here you are!" he said, slinging his bag on the porch with a curious glance at the closed door. Where the men alright, or was he just hearing things? He glanced back to Ryan, figuring he should take care of her first. "Shall we get it set up?"


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