dancing in the dark
ooc:// ^^

The male smiled sheepishly, but with a tad of smugness at the female's first comment. It was a rhetorical question, but he saw the twinkle of evil in her eyes and could only let his face be mutual. As much as he wanted to continue on in rhetorical sense, he knew snarkasm wasn't his best bet for a while. "Again, not my place to ask. You're welcome to explain if you like, but there's no pressure," he said, only seconds later inwardly wincing at the females pain after she had laughed at her comment. He would like to very much know what had happened, just to understand the environment around here. He'd assumed it was a fight of some sort, most likely, whether it had been with another wolf, or an accident with prey, whatever. Emory was just curious. He didn't necessary /care/ what happened, it just bothered him not knowing. Plus, he didn't like watching this female suck it up through the pain. Broken ribs were no fun deal, he was sure.

"Bascially I need to know a little about you. I need to know why you think Phoenix Valley is the pack for you. What can you bring to the pack? What makes you stand out above the rest?"

Analyzing her statement, Emory started feeling problems arising already. These weren't the 'get-to-know-you' questions he'd expected. Or.. wanted, for that matter. These were mind boggling questions. You really have to think, questions. If you answer them wrong, you've effed up life, questions. Perfect. A challenge. The male cleared his throat quietly.

"Well, to be perfectly honest, what brought me here?.. Specifically, nothing. I didn't scope out lands, analyze pack strategies and numbers, I decided one day that it was time for something new. Another .. 'chapter' .. if you will. I felt if I was going to dedicate myself to a pack, it'd be whichever one I pick, and I'd stick with it. No matter what, he stressed the last statement a little more than the other words, just to reassure himself that he remembered. He knew what he was doing here.

Ohhh, what else, he continued with a sigh, looking to the ceiling in thought, I guess what I'm bringing is all I've got from myself. Loyalty. I know it might not emotionally be here quite yet, but physically, I know if I left this place .. uh.. house now and saw another of one of this pack in danger or.. whatever, I wouldn't think twice about helping them. Or I think I would do that anywhere. That's a bad example," he corrected himself, glancing back to his company. "Uh, like.. if someone were to come onto our lands, a foreigner, my loyalty would lie in here already. Do you know what I mean? Probly not.. I'm not much. Loyalty, I'm fairly strong, and I have a pretty calm head on my shoulders. I hardly think that makes me stand out, I'll never take that title on."

Emory's mouth twisted into a frown as much as wolf features could, and his eyes flicked to the floor. That was probably the worse self-representing speech he'd ever given ever. Granted, he had never given one.. but you'd think he'd know himself a little better than that. Staying with his frown a while longer, he almost scowled at himself, "Sorry," he muttered.

Word Count: 555

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