Bury me six feet under.

Suddenly there were two of them upon her. Adelaida wasn’t quite sure how it had happened, she knew that one of the two she had spotted, the half shifted freak, was after her and although he was gaining she had been ahead of him. Without warning another appeared in her path, so suddenly that she didn’t know which coyote was on her first, but now there were two of them, and Adelaida lost her footing and went under. Rolling onto her back, Adelaida thrashed her legs out helplessly, and utter a yelp of shock as she felt fangs sinking into her right hind leg. Frantically she kicked out at them, felt her hind legs hitting flesh although knowing that she probably was not anything but an annoyance to them. Get away... get away... Her voice was terrified, her mind spun. The coyotes were touching her, harming her. They were vermin and while she was afraid for her life, she was also revolted by their mere proximity to her own body. They were nasty coyotes but they were also filthy shifters!.


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