stones in the road

Hahaha! Poor virginal Savvy XD
wc 375

Soft ears folded back slightly as Anu mentioned the way the Kansas had looked at her that day. Savina knew that look well, and cherished it every time he gave it to her. No one had ever really made her feel beautiful before. Sure, it was told to her by quite a few. She didn't think they were lying, but none of them had ever really made her feel it. Kansas did. Every time his blue eyes looked at her she felt beautiful, and she felt wanted. She did her best to make him feel the same with her glances.

"Yeah, I guess so--" Voice froze in her throat as something clicked in her brain. If her friend's last comment had been said flatly, she would've missed the innuendo all together. Savina was inexperienced in such things as these...the physical part of relationships being at the top of the list. They had kissed and embraced. That one night she had cuddled with him and slept in his room. But that was the extent of it. "I uh...ummm..." Her voice stuttered, like a school child who had been caught off guard with a question. "I'm not sure...about...that." If midnight fur didn't cover her face one would be able to clearly see the bright red shade her flesh had taken. It wasn't so much that she didn't want to talk about such things, she just didn't have anything to talk about.

At this moment though, she was so glad that she had Anu to talk to about this subject. Lord knows that she would never be able to talk about it with Naniko. The fact that Kansas was her adopted sibling was the least of that problem. "I've...never really been with anyone before. Kansas is the first relationship I've ever had." Fear gripped her for a moment. Anu and Nani were mates, what if without thinking Anu shared things with the alpha about herself and Kansas. "Ummm, Anu? Could you not tell Nani about the stuff we talk about? At least not concerning Kansas and myself." If the tawny female prodded into why she would tell her, but she would make sure that nothing came up about the not-so-pleasant past between the adopted brother and sister.


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