the spark in my heart


Jefferson chuckled--chuckled!--to himself quietly and cast a lightly amused look on the boy. For a moment, the hybrid wished he could recall his own childhood and wondered if such 'innocence', as he considered it, had ever possessed him as such. This brought a deeper smirk to his face--a smaller, healthier version of himself, as feisty and youthful as this Pendzez seemed to be. The male couldn't fathom himself in such a position, making the concept all the more amusing. There was far too much that Jefferson wished for himself, and little that was actually possible. In all reality, he was perfectly fine as he was. "'Atta boy," the hybrid flashed his pearly whites in a nonchalant grin. The emotion was, however, apparently genuine. "Keep that up and you'll be all grown up soon enough."

Jefferson straightened his back a little, before beginning to wiggle his spine back and forth to scratch it against the rough surface of the tree truck. Obviously, the male was a bit too lazy to just scratch it himself, and more obviously, had no shame nor anything to hide. His one-eyed stare became intently affixed on the white male, now a bit more willing to speak with him. He smirked a bit when the boy remarked on his parents resting in peace carefully, as Jefferson took a moment to wonder what that was supposed to mean. "Good name. Appropriate," he responded simply, relaxing against the tree. "Fits your personality. Sounds smart. Strong." Jefferson nodded, seemingly giving his approval for whatever reason, before tipping his head back again and closing his eye a moment. "Let it stick with you," the beast added finally.


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