the spark in my heart
WC: 504
They're getting quite well, I must say. ^^

"Atta boy, keep that up and you'll be all grown up soon enough." Pendzez was learning, though it will take time. He will eventually get there, if he tries hard enough. Though the snow white wolf was a slow learner, he would try to obtain this goal to help him with pack life. There were things that Pendzez could do around the place, but it was the matter of what. Mabye some voluntary stuff. If it meant building for the future ahead, the Pendzez would be willing to help shaping it up. "Thanks for that. Hopefully, not too soon." Pendzez didn't want to grow up now, but mabye when he was ready to. If it was to happen suddenly like that, well Pendzez would be out of whack about predictions. That would be the last Pendzez would want. There was an itch on his left ear. Pendzez got in position and sratched it with his leg, trying to relief it. Once relieved, he returned his attention to the hybrid. "What about you? Did you have family?" Pendzez was filled with curiosity because Jeffers asked about his parents, so why not ask about his?

"Good name. Appropriate, fits your personality. Sounds smart. Strong. Let it stick with you." Pendzez felt glad that Jefferson was saying that it was a good meaning for name like Pendzez's. The snow white wolf always wondered if his parents did well to name him, suppose they did do a great job, actually. Pendzez did ask his mum. She said that another word for child was prince. Prince of the Snowy Tundra? Yeah right. Pendzez felt more like a common wolf than a prince. "Thanks for that. My mum says another word for child was prince. I mean Prince of the Snowy Tundra? Hardly." Pendzez smirked at his words to Jefferson. Pendzez wouldn't believe that his name meant Prince of the Snowy Tundra even if it gave him a back scratch. Mabye his mother had knowledge of this because she was born in a tundra, but mabye not. Mabye all she said was something to get Pendzez cheerful and happy. Pendzez had no thought on these for long, for he returned to the real world, fixing his attention back on Jeffers. "Anyway, I will leave it sticking to me. I don't think it will come off," he said sarcastically

Pendzez had a thought going through his head. If Jeffers was a few days old, then he was a loner. Mabye Pendzez could learn what Jefferson learned in the wilderness of 'Souls. Pendzez, despite knowing what he learnt himself, had to learn more about a loner's life because he might become one again. "So, I guess you were a loner before? How did you survive?" This filled the snow white wolf with curiosity. Pendzez wanted to know, so he asked politely. If Jeffers was able to shed some light on other survival tips, then mabye Pendzez could use them when in the wilderness again. For now, all Pendzez could do was ask.

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