sweet and sour

You needed a reply

Leland had been wandering again, still pondering over and over just what he was going to do. Normally he would move forward, but that would meet him only with the ocean, and turning back wasn’t much of a good option either. So it seemed he always returned to the same conclusion, he was to settle down here, which wasn’t unappealing exactly. Every creature he had met so far had been kind enough, the food sources were abundant and the land could certainly sustain another canine such as himself. Even so, he hadn’t really felt as if he had found his niche. While he had no reason to leave, and this explained his presence still, he hadn’t any real reason to stay, but he was willing to wait around to find one.

It was easier to find one if he wandered and so wander he did. It was on this trip of aimless wandering that he came across the female, who from the looks of it seemed rather down. Leland approached her cautiously, a female in a bad mood was no thing to play around with. Clearing his voice, his odd colored eyes looked over her, not finding any obvious reasons for the distress. . "Ah, heylo there miss. What might a pretty lass like yourself be doing on such a fine day?" His voice was cheery, but soft and patient, knowing from the look of the female’s face there was a chance his normal friendly greetings might get rebuffed.


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