when hollywood was calling out your name

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The young one looked as if he had been caught doing something embarrassing, though Dawali would not judge. The greatness of the water in front of him tempted him to do just as Tawodi had done, and he didn't doubt for a second that the water was cold. It was obvious, the way Tawodi was shaking, and larger masses of water had a tendency to be colder than smaller ones. Had it been any other than Dawali that stumbled upon him, though, the scene could have been different. Some older members of the tribe seemed to like to tell others what to do (or in particular what not to do), especially the young ones, but personally Dawali did not see the point in it. They would learn one way or another - like his daughters had and continued to do - mostly by watching others and interacting with them. Things came naturally, Dawali always thought, and the most important lessons were best learnt by exploring them instead of having them fed to you by some other person's words.

Chuckling again, loud enough for the younger male to hear him this time, was his way of agreeing with the other's mention of the temperature; obviously it was cold - the poor thing was shaking! Though, when it came to why he was here, there was no particular reason. For a little moment his head bent back and yellow eyes sought out the shape of Gvihita soaring in circles above his head. They'd just been walking about, really. I was just looking around. You know, for fun. Because he often chose to be silent - words are not always needed - his sentences when he first spoke were often clumsy. Many saw him as a little stupid, but those few that knew him well knew otherwise. He wasn't particularly bright either, just around average.


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