the KILLING lights
The young male had been working on a project of his for the majority of the afternoon and evening. It was a music stand. He had started out by nailing a nice solid 4 foot tall rectangular prisim to a inch thick square base then sepereatly attaching a second inch thick square piece to a two inch wide regtangular piece for the actual stand. From there he had taken a pencil and drawn the rough outline of what he wanted in the end, it would be beautiful once he was finished. After dinner he had decided to relax for the evening, taking a book from his shelf and jumping onto his pile of furs and pillows to read a simple childrens story. They were always so interesting to read, full of twist and lessons.

His ears twitched towards the forest at a howl. He jumped to his feet. Could it be Garnet!? A look of half dissapointment came to him as he realized it was Anu but after the howl finished his large smile returned. A hunt! Finally there was something exciting to do to keep him busy. He started to shift to his halfling form, preffering to never return fully to a regular wolf's size for it was to defencless. As he fell to the floor and shortened his legs slightly he padded the floor glade he hadn't been wearing his shorts completly forgetting about them. He looked over to his shelf where his knife belt lay and sighed, he'd save the sword hunting for another day. Starting down the steps he cought Naniko's scent. He went out the door and started towars the orgin of Anu's voice, Savina and Naniko's scents. Stoping as he approched the three females he let out a chuckle, "Evening ladies, what's on the menu?"

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