Bury me six feet under.

The blows continued to rain on her body and Adelaida’s flesh was slowly growing accustomed to the pain. The shock of each new blow quickly reduced the pain of the last blow to a mere memory, she would ache later, but now she concentrated on feeling only the part of her that was currently taking damage. The blows came so fast that the pain was in a new place every moment, which only fed her own fury as she thrashed about beneath the circle the coyotes had created above her.

Her jaws continued to snap out and came close to catching flesh a few times, though it was her claw that created a single scratch on one of the male’s shoulder’s. It bled. Adelaida didn’t know why, but the sight of it made her smile and thrash harder, until she felt hands grasping her muzzle shut. For a moment she froze as the two males attacked with more ferocity at having their victim subdued, and them she realized just what the hand on her meant. Wolves and coyotes were not meant to have hands, they were not natural, and Adelaida was filled with a fresh disgusted and a sudden violent moment brought her muzzle free of the fingers that were firmly gripped on her. Filthy fucks. The words shot out of her mouth just as quickly as her mouth shot to the hand, her fangs finally making contact with flesh.


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