under the city lights, i'm sinking
*fails more hardcore* Gawds school is irritating. Can we just sorta fade this out?
[html]<style type="text/css">.byrequiem b {color:#bbc9df; font:9pt Georgia; font-weight:bold; line-height:1.0em; letter-spacing:-1px;}</style>
http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9204 ... oitcp7.png) #000 top no-repeat; color:#053377; font:9pt Georgia; line-height:1.0em; text-align:justify; padding:1.5em; padding-bottom:0.5em; padding-top:20em;">

She nodded her head at the different sounds, sensitive ears lifting to the different pitches. Yes, that sounded different than the first; she reached her fingers out instinctively, but held herself in check and finally curled them back into her palm to let the hand drop. Her hands, big now, turned to request of Corona the one thing her aunt could give her; the ability, the sequence, to play more than just a note or two. She didn't hold her gaze there long without word, however; Can you show me how to play something? A song... If you know any?


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