sweet and sour
She wasn't for certain why she'd apologized for what she'd said, maybe it really was how hurt he looked when she thrown such insults at him and hadn't seemed to care at all when the pain was more than apparent in his eyes. She knew pain too, perhaps more than he would, but she couldn't believe the few words she'd spat at the male had had such an affect. She hadn't really met a soul that was so in touch with the world that one torn spirit could be allowed to injure him so.

She flicked her ears back in confusion as she asked him a question instead of answering the one he presented to her. "Why'd you come back.." There could have been a million reasons why he'd returned but she couldn't imagine after the way she'd reacted that anyone would have came back even with an apology. She wasn't exactly in a stable mindset. Her eyes were even more confused as she realized that the boy seemed to settle back into that friendly frame once more.. even after her outburst and so much more.

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