sweet and sour

Leland was surprised at the question, but he did not show any signs of amusement now, despite the fact he thought that the answer was very clear. "You asked me to, miss." Still gentle, Leland spoke to the girl with respect and patience. There was nothing funny about the girl’s state of being and Leland felt truly sympathetic towards her. If he could change the way he felt, he would try, but he was at a loss of what to do, having his earlier attempts rejected. Swallowing, brush like tail swaying slowly behind him, Leland ventured again. "Is there sumthing you want to talk about? I harve a good ear for these things, so I’ve been told." It was true, Leland had stood by and listened to Lela spew her heart out time and time again, something that had been painful for both Lela and Leland, if he could do that he could listen to anyone, and had before, offering his warm, fluffy shoulder to cry on.


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