looking for yesterday
Iskata couldn't have believed that her son had felt ashamed because of the things his father expected out of him. Kansas was not the leader of a pack with a million worries in his head, he was a young boy who still had to find his place in the world. He could worry about families and being the man later when he needed to. She wrapped her arms around him when he embraced her and she smiled softly. She hadn't spent enough time with her children when they'd started to set off and wander the world and now she missed it all.

The words he spoke made her sad that he felt like he had to devote time to the girls and her. She laughed sadly as she shook her head and looked down at him, shaking his shoulders lightly as she spoke. "No, you do what you need to.. and what you want to. We know you haven't forgotten about us.." She chuckled softly as she admitted. "I don't think Firefly would let you forget anyways.." She could almost see the girl bickering at her soft hued twin for having been gone so long and how she'd almost sent a search party out after him.. It was the nature of the girl, but she knew that Kansas could take anything the fierce woman could dish out, they were like ying and yang and when they were together everything seemed at peace, if only for a moment.

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