where eagles dare;
It's all right!

Kansas had the sudden and perhaps irrational worry that Ehno was irritated by the fact that he had brought Savina up right away, that his decision to dive right in had been a bad one. He inhaled sharply, wanting to hit himself. But he couldn't very well rewind the scene and go the other route. Still, when he looked more closely, he saw that Ehno's mood changed to one nearly as nervous as his own.

The brother of his favorite girl tensed, his anxiety becoming slightly more obvious. Kansas chewed his lower lip, the words he'd practiced so diligently now gone from his mind like an escaped pet bird. Ehno had seemed laid-back, but Kansas' clung-to hope that the male would take this casually nonetheless faded to nothingness. The pale wolf cleared his throat a little, returning the intense gaze with as much confidence as he could summon. "Yes. I really think - I know - I love her." Kansas tried to grin, just a bit. "Would you mind if... I asked her to be with me?"


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