Here I stand broken hearted

She had expected the comments and had expected the taunting remarks, but they never came. She knew better, she knew that Deuce was what he wanted, she'd caught his scent on the lands before and she had seem the happy dazed look on the female after the male had been long gone. She felt like spatting at his feet when he sat there with that pitiful look on his face as he gave her the answer for his presence before her. A short barking bit of laughter exploded from the female before she could help it. She narrowed her eyes and asked sarcastically. "What would our pack need with such a hypocrite like you Lucifer.." She shook her head in disgust as she continued. "What would you have to offer us that wouldn't bring trouble to our lands, like every other pack who's taken you in.." Her words were made to hurt the male. She knew his past, right up to the things he'd done as a child.

She'd been friends with those he'd hurt and those who'd fallen victim to his hapless crimes, and now here he was begging at their door for another chance, not a second chance, not a third chance.. he was far beyond counting how many chances he'd had. There was nothing left for him but a last chance. The Matriarch knew that behind his stupid foolish antics, selfish wants and childish games that there had to be something there that could be cleaned up and shaped into something worthy of a pack.. she knew the other packs in the pasts had seen glimpses of just that.. but he'd always failed in the end. She wasn't for certain if she was ready to take such a challenge into their packlands.. but she knew that if she turned him away that Deuce would pull the same trick she'd pulled on the Shaman not to long ago and come trailing behind her to let him into their family and into her heart and soul.

She just stood there impatiently waiting for some well worded answer rehearsed for just this moment.

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