open your eyes

The scent was growing stronger and Adelaida’s heart was beating faster. Although the masked female could pick this scent out of hundreds, she did not quite believe her own nose. It had been caught on the wind, just the faintest whiff and Adelaida had spent the last two and a half hours tracking it. Still, although the scent filtered through her nostrils and her brain told her, that indeed Sankor was here, she couldn’t quite allow herself to feel anything. Not just yet. Alexey had returned, and while she had felt an immediate sense of relief and joy at that, now she was in constant sorrow because of her sister. Sankor, however, Adelaida did not believe Sankor would let her down. He had always been the one to make peace between the sisters during their childhood squabbles, he had always been the confident growing up and into adulthood. And although he had not been their for their father’s death, Adelaida knew he too would make her feel better about that. As soon as she found him.

Like magic his figure appeared before her and Adelaida stopped short. Sankor looked the same as the two year old remembered him looking. There was no doubt about it, her brother was truly standing before her and Adelaida didn’t quite know what to do. Alexey and her had been waiting for this, talking of it since their own reunion, and now that the third member of their litter was here Adelaida was at a loss. Perhaps part of her hadn’t quite thought Sankor would return, the wanderlust in his blood had always been much stronger than that of his sisters and so coming home might never have crossed his mind. But he was here, and Adelaida struggled to find her voice. Sankor? Have you really come home? Ade waited for the male to turn around and notice her.


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