Here I stand broken hearted
Lucifer was at a lost to say to her, he felt like the child that had just ripped out all the pages of his caregiver’s best book, after being told time and time again not to touch it, or even go near it. The black male’s chest hovered over the ground, not laying down he didn’t want to give her any more reason to yell at him, then what he was already doing. His legs shook, he had to make it in, for Deuce’s sake. The black male dared not to take his eyes off the ground, not even to look at her paws, the more she yelled the more his ears folded back, and his head moved down, he wanted to just to get it over with, and see if she was going to let him into the pack or not.
He shook his head, “No…if she wants me back as a mate I’m here, I want to be that mate she wanted me to be. Before I left to find…” His mouth shut, he didn’t want to give her a reason to tell him he’s failed once again and laugh at him, and he just knew he couldn’t live without Deuce in his life.
The tan male came, and seemed to have been a bit of a savor for Lucifer’s sake, but he wasn’t going to move higher then what he was, he knew how quickly her mood could flop from one side to the other.

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