sweet and sour
Firefly wasn't for certain if it would make her feel better but she did know that she'd been hiding out from everyone for so long that she didn't even realize how lonely she was and how much she craved to just hear the voice of another and know they were there. She wouldn't admit that to the male before her, but for the moment she refused to let him out of her space.. just so long as he stayed enough of a distance away for her to flee if the need arose she felt this was ok.

Turning her emerald eyes towards the male she weakly smiled and agreed. "I'm not sure what there is to talk about.. but perhaps you're right.." Perhaps Firefly wouldn't ever fully trust anyone she didn't already know from now on but atleast for a moment in time she could sooth the need for company in her wild soul. When he granted her his name she couldn't help it as her ears fkicled back against her skull before she finally gave in. "Alright, it's Firefly." she said, slightly embarassed by presenting that name that seemed to bring up such strange yet repeatedly similar topics, she hoped this time it might be a bit different but she doubted that.

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