Please Knock
She'd been walkinh when the sight of one form attacking another got her attention. A large grey sahpe was attackinga smaller black one. Lucifer. Deuce's hackles raised, and she began to run, only distantly aware that Iskata had already arrived at the scene. Deuce arrived on the opposite side as Iskata, coming in closest to Lucifer. She heard the thick accent nd the words. Lucifer's father was back. She felt a momentary wave of relief at that. perhaps Lucifer would stop acting so beaten then. The words she heard did little to bolster that hope, however, and Deuce spoke without thinking.
"Lucifer, you are the pack's Loas, you do not cower before a loner, no matter his relation to you. Get up." Her voice was sharp, but her eyes were fixed pointedly on the Matriarch. She would not tolerate this pathetic cowering anymore, not from the black male she once left her own home and child to follow. She stood stiffly, fists balled at her sides, ready to fight for the male who was acting so cowardly.
It had only been last night that the white woman had figured out that perhaps his actions were because the rnk Iskata had given him was one of Shame. Shame on her Lucifer, who'd always been a wonderful provider and protector. Deuce felt more shame at herself for not immediately changing his title as soon as she'd heard it. She was as responsable for his cowering as Iskata was, and she had to fix that. She would help Lucifer earn his ranks, no matter how Iskata felt about it.


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