sweet and sour

Leland nodded in agreement as Firefly finally consented to talking with the foolish brute. Smiling Leland racked his mind for a topic. Normally conversation came so easily to the male, but Leland was prepared to tread very carefully, he did not wish to offend or upset the girl with anything he said. "Alright Firefly..." Leland paused, it was too easy to start with the generic topics, but they were safe, usually. Leland did not know the cause of the lady’s distress so anything could set it off. Sighing he shook his head, annoyed ay himself for having so much trouble starting off the conversation.

Laughing he shook out his fur and resettled himself into a sitting position. Perhaps the idea wasn’t the best, but it was a way to get her talking, and it took some of the pressure off of him. "Let’s play a game, eh? The rules er really simple, we can ask the other any question we’d like and the other has to answer it. I’ll go first, start off with ah really easy one. When it’s your turn juss ask me anything about meself you want, don’t worry if you think it’s rude or too private or anything like that." Leland thump his tail once against the ground, prepare to enjoy the game more than Firefly would, the two year old male always did love a good game. "Okay, ya ready? How long have you been living in a pack?" The pack’s scent was on the female’s pelt, though not as strongly as it should be if she spent most her time there. Still, she belonged there, the scent wasn’t that faded.


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