Bury me six feet under.

     I hope you don't mind me jumping in here, Akumu. I figured I'd throw a quick reply in with Adelaida getting the virus.

i heard they say the boy's missing

     Hybrid had never experienced an epiphany before, however, he was able to surmise that he was currently 'having' one. Filthy fucks had been all he needed to hear before he was struck with the most brilliant of ideas. It would be hilarious, and it was brilliant. If this girl hated their hands, their size, and their advantage, all strengths luperci had, why not give her the same gift? Why not give her this curse?

     Hybrid did not give Samael any warning, suddenly striking the male, drawing blood. He only had a few more moments to execute his plan, for he could see that Adelaida was beginning to snap at Corona, trying to break free of her grip. With this in mind, he quickly retracted paw, covered in Samael's blood, and struck at Adelaida, attempting to hit one of the wounds she had already received as a result of Samael's teeth and claws, intending to have Samael's blood flow into her own and give her the virus.

Table by Mel!

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