fine line
-I blame the whole fame of the de le poer eyes.. how they all almost have those demonic crimson orbs. Big Grin -

DaVinci really hadn't expected the short roll of laughter to emerge from the larger male's throat. When it did though he just ducked his head, not able to believe that he'd just let spew the wonders of what the de le Poer girl did to him. A pathedic little grin fell upon his lips for the briefest of moments as he scuffed at the question that Gabriel dropped. "Yeah." He said shortly thereafter, the grin replaced by a strange look, a mixture of confusion and longing.

Looking across to the leader he admitted. "Two reasons. A boy and a girl." He didn't think that Ryan would want anything to do with the disfunctional family he'd inherited, that he'd created and now was his and his alone. His mother of course was thrilled to have the young one tearing across the packlands and she felt they were protected enough with the family that surrounded them.. was it just him dumbstruck as a new father that made him so aware of everything that may or may not be lurking in the shadows or had he always been thatway below the moody brooding exterior.

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