Bury me six feet under.
That's okay. Sorry this has taken me so long. D:
Her grip slipped just enough in the chaos of it all that the wolf managed to get free and only second later, clamped straight down on one of her hands. It was enough to draw a firm, strained sort of snarl out of Corona, who reacted by bringing her other hand down against the dark-masked wolf's skull as a fist. It hurt like hell, burned like fire, but was well worth it as a distraction. There was enough blood between them now that it didn't matter from who it came (it was all the same colour anyway), but it would spell a disaster eventually for the one creature who believed them to be filthy. With the same hand that she had brought down to feeble knock the brains out of the wolf with, Corona simply went for another open place she could snake her hand to: the throat. She could live or she could die, it didn't matter one way or another to her, though Corona surely believed that her two relatives would have rather stringed her inwards through the grass and reeds.

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