we sleep inside of this machine
Uhh, it's up to you. I'm find with them just talking about random crap or Ryan could notice that she's got her arm bandaged up and they could talk about that!? Or we can end it. I don't mind either way, but I am sorry for taking so long with this. <33 ;_;
Corona imagined that the reason why Inferni stuck together so well as it did was not always because the coyotes and the mostly coyote hybrids were oppressed. Ryan herself was of some distant wolf heritage, as was Anselm, Gabriel (and his children), and herself. Wolves were social creatures, bound together by a need to support one another and as a basic survival mechanism. Most of the coyotes who had ever come to Inferni had eventually left. Family kept them together, but it was something else that geared them to make a pack, or a clan, whatever it was that they were. “I'm sure they will be. Having family around is usually good,” she said with a faint smile, though knowing there was a time in her life when it hadn't been. “The hurt from loss gets easier eventually too,” but not that she was totally speaking from experience. Corona was indifferent towards death, but anyone that had ever died in her family had probably had it coming, or she had simply never held much of a bond to them. It was a cycle, a circle, just the way things went.

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