sweet and sour

Leland winced as Firefly bared her fangs at the mention of a pack... Did the female not enjoy being in a pack? One of Leland’s greatest woes at the moment was his lack of a permanent home, and familiar faces to fill that home with. Wolves and dogs alike were social creatures, created to bond with one another, rely on one another, and the longer Leland stayed on his own, the more uncomfortable he felt. However it was clear Firefly did not feel exactly the same way.

Leland smiled sadly at Firefly’s answer, perhaps her heart was true to the pack that had burnt to ashes, or in a land further away she had visited on her travels, but that could not be helped now (though Leland did not say so). Raising his brows at her question, he chuckled, as if she had read his mind. "Ah! Well, I haven’t quite found the place that’s jus’ right fer me, you see? You can’t just plant yer feet anywhere and call it home, er yer heart won’t be happy, ‘least that’s what I think." More and more Leland was wondering if these lands held the place to make his heart happy, and though he was unwilling to join a pack, he was also unwilling to leave. Turning back to Firefly he grinned again, trying to get the lass to enjoy the game. "If ya had to pick, would you rather be a fish er a sparrow?"


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