note taking


escape is never the safest path

He had yet to fully understand what it was Iskata held against this dark-furred creature, but perhaps it was his immaturity and inexperience with pack life that kept him from fully ever knowing what was going on. He didn't consider himself a natural-born leader, but that was only because he'd never led anything in his life other than his own feet. Jefferson had developed quite a soft spot for his apprentice, however, and found being a mentor and guardian was not as bad and dreadful as he'd originally assumed, plus the hybrid had the guts to openly admit that he quite enjoyed leading the child around and being in a position of training and teaching the pup the necessities of life. Sure, he and Tyrone had their laughs about Jefferson's incapability to do a lot of things, but the pup found that the more he doubted the hybrid in his ways of survival, the harder the training became. He was a wise child, put under a wiser adult. The gimpy leg was less of an obstacle than simply a handicap, one that he was still finding ways around to this very day. His green eye thinned precariously when the black male dropped to the ground. Jefferson cocked his head to the side somewhat, first thinking that Lucifer had cramped up or had a heart attack, but after a few moments' realization the male's look became sarcastic and he shook his head.

"You eat bugs? No?" An ear twitched, lacking irritability but more possessive of sheer confusion. What was this one doing? "Then get off the ground. I hate all that respectful shit. Spare me." Jefferson began to limp past, customary scowl imprinted on his face, but the hybrid was hardly in a foul mood, evident by the way his tail swayed as he moved along. "I'm not your leader, kid. I just work here. You might not like me and I might not like you, but like it or not, I'm supposed to be watching you." He sighed, stopping in place and rolling his eye. He glanced sourly over his shoulder. "Which means I'll use my rank over yours to get you to talk if I have to. Don't make me do that." He expected this Lucifer to talk, and talk he would. The last thing Jefferson wanted to do was have Iskata mad at him instead, and from the looks of her anger, he pretty much wanted to avoid that altogether.


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