sweet and sour
Firefly didn't exactly hate her pack, she just hadn't got over the rough spell the pack had been through yet and it was a tender subject. She watched the male, realizing that she still made him feel nervous, which she really didn't mind, she'd rather the male be nervous about her than feel over confident, over confidence was something she couldn't tolerate at this moment in life. She sat there quietly while he found an answer to the question she'd asked and she furrowed her brows at his answer, shaking her head as she stated simply. "You can't know if it's right for you til you try it for yourself.." She highly doubted that the male had even tried to find or make a home out of one of the packs, it just seemed like an excuse to her.

Her skeptic look just clung to her features as the male delivered his next question, one that almost made her laugh out loud. Shaking her head as she wondered silently if he was a bit crazy she stated dryly. "Why would I want to be either." She sighed and sat there quietly for a moment like she'd already abandoned the game before she finally admitted grudgedly. "A sparrow, I could alway just fly away when I needed to." The girl never would have backed down from a fight or felt the need to run away until recently, but somewhere in her aching heart there seemed to be a little trapped sparrow now waiting for the chance to fly.

Her emerald eyes glanced back at the male as she suddenly asked her question. If you could do anything over again why would you?" She could think of something she'd do over again but she didn't think that she ever would get the chance and of course.. knowing the way the world tended to work it would have came back around in one way or another. Life wasn't fair, she always had known that rule. It was a whimsical question but still one that needed an answer.

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