Bury me six feet under.

Whooo... mission complete. Errm, should the coyotes then just decide to let poor Ade go or how’s she going to get out of this one?

Although Adelaida hadn’t understood everything about the virus that caused canines to turn into the monsters she feared, she understood enough that when two of the coyotes, instead of the continued assault on her body, held down their open wounds to her open wounds, she realized what was happening. With a sudden burst of energy Adelaida attempted to pull away from them, and so frantic was the creature that perhaps if it had only been one, or even two, of the coyotes she would have succeeded, but the three of them still restrained her and Adelaida struggled more fiercely than she ever had in her life. No... No... No No No NO NO! Adelaida thought of calling for help, but if anyone was around they already would have heard her screams and shouts, and if anyone had witness her attack they weren’t inclined to aid her. Although she continued to struggle, the idea that perhaps it would be best to die here, rather than live as one of them, crossed her mind, but her body ran on automatic. She would get free, or go down struggling. For the first time since the attack started Adelaida made true eye contact with the female coyote, her eyes filled with hatred, fear, and a pleading look to be let go.


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