It had been about a week or two since Melody had wandered into the Clouded Tears pack borders only to find out that the wolf she had believed to be her mother was in fact an impostor who had taken her from her den a few months ago. Needless to say she was still a bit confused about the whole thing, not to mention the fact that along with taking her, she had been given a new name. She still mostly answers to Melody as it will take quite a while for her to understand her real name as being Karin Sadira.

But, still being a pup, it would only be a matter of time before her young mind to grasp the meaning of everything that is being thrown at her at once. Another plus of still being a pup was the fact that until this happened, she could simply forget it all and play with the other pups, including her newly rediscovered brother. No matter where she's been, Melody has never really cared much about who she was playing with so long as she had something to do to keep her small mind active.

At this moment, there weren't many others around, but she busied herself with playing in the snow. She was having a blast pouncing from snow bank to snow bank to make little holes in them that were shaped like her own body. It was amazing how she could find such amusement in such a simple act, but hey, that was how she was. Another little game she played was to try and catch the few snowflakes that were falling from the trees. She flipped her tail happily from left to right, whacking whatever just so happened to be behind her at the time whether it be family, tree, snow or some other random little creature.

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