down in the hollow
There was nothing more to say as she felt the soft and gentle brush of his tongue across her ear as she clung to his pelt. She was a fool but she was helpless when it came to the damned male that held her so. She could lash out and fight him with every form possible.. and yet in the end she knew she couldn't walk away from it all. Something tied them together that was stronger than her own will. If she could ever really understand love she'd find the gods were laughing at her now.. but love was something still foreign to the girl and she'd stumble and trip her way through this relationship, falling and having to learn to get back up time and time again. Perhaps one day they'd come to understand they couldn't fight the force.. perhaps they'd give up their selfish ways.. but it probably wouldn't be anytime soon.. for now though she could rest in his arms and pray he wouldn't leave her cold again.. that's all there was in this moment and she'd cling fast to what she could.


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