lost companion
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I hope you don’t mind me joining… ^=^

Cwmfen nic Graine wandered near Flanders Field. She did not know why she felt so much attachment to the place. Perhaps there was some sentimental value—the place of her acceptance into Dahlia de Mai. Yet, while she indeed did consider such places in her sentimental values, it was not in her nature to linger around such things of the past. The past was an entity in which experience was gained, but it was a thing which must be forgotten. What appealed to her the most, she concluded, was the life-song there. So grey, cool, gentle…like a cool brook at high noon of the summer season. Black feet, with toes banded by blue woad, tread quietly through the November grasses. Her hands brushed fondly over the stones of the dead, and with each touch she could hear their whispering, so faint that it could merely be dismissed as a breath.

Her attention was averted as something scurried through the grass beneath her feet. Immediately, the young woman gave chase, shifting mid-stride back into her lupus form. Her movements were effortless and swift, like an otter through the water, as she gave chase to the snack. Her maw reached forward, as if tentatively requesting to take the hind legs of the—she inhaled the scent deeply—rabbit. The small creature was quick, but she knew that rabbits eventually traveled in a large circle. So, the she-wolf took off to one side, bending the arches of the rodent’s circular path—and intercepted the poor creature .The graceful jaws snapped audibly shut about the hind leg of the rabbit. As the marked limbs ground to a halt, the female flickered her maw, adjusting her grip to the creature’s neck. The death cry of the rabbit echoed dully in the damp air.

The black auds pricked forward, someone had arrived at the boarders. The black fae turned her white gaze towards the approaching wolf. It was a male, but his scent held no trademark of any pack—a longer, perhaps? It was definitely not a scent that she had tasted before. The way in which he presented himself was not threatening, but she was wary never the less. The experiences of her life before her joining of Dahlia de Mai had taught her caution. Cwmfen hesitated to approach him, though not out of fear. She held only the rank of Blue, and that was not a high enough rank to greet others at the boarders—that she knew directly from Cercelee. Yet, at the pack meeting, Cercelee had requested that all members help Haku in the patrolling of the boarders. It was with this thought that she finally moved towards the male.

Her gait was light as she closed the short distance between them, and she hardly seemed to stop at all, so fluid were her movements. The woad-marked female realized that the rabbit was still in her mouth, but, having now realized so, she relinquished the carcass and her snack to the ground. She could devour it at a later time. "Hello," she began. The Caledonian-Korean wolf’s voice was melodic, and as warm as the golden rays of the sun that passed through the canopy of the clouds, reiterating the foreign markings of strength, honor, and protection. "Is there anything which you seek that I may be of assistance?" The inquiry was vague, but polite. Yet, there was an undertone that did not welcome him over the boarders. Cercelee had emphasized that she wished to maintain the friendly air even when greeting wolves at the boarders. However, especially since Cwmfen was not of a high rank, she did not think that she could invite him over. She wished now that she had asked the white Rosea more about such things.


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